The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.
For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.
: Wait for interactive inputThis step pauses Pipeline execution and allows the user to interact and control the flow of the build. Only a basic "proceed" or "abort" option is provided in the stage view.
You can optionally request information back, hence the name of the step. The parameter entry screen can be accessed via a link at the bottom of the build console log or via link in the sidebar for a build.
message : String
This parameter gives a prompt which will be shown to a human:
Ready to go? Proceed or Abort
If you click "Proceed" the build will proceed to the next step, if you click "Abort" the build will be aborted.
id : String
Every input
step has an unique identifier. It is used in the generated URL to proceed or abort.
A specific identifier could be used, for example, to mechanically respond to the input from some external process/tool.
ok : String
Request that the submitter specify one or more parameter values when approving. If just one parameter is listed, its value will become the value of the input
step. If multiple parameters are listed, the return value will be a map keyed by the parameter names. If parameters are not requested, the step returns nothing if approved.
On the parameter entry screen you are able to enter values for parameters that are defined in this field.
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
$class: 'AppDetectorParamaterDefinition'
$class: 'AppDetectorParamaterDefinition'
name : String
appName : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
$class: 'ArtifactRepoParamDefinition'
$class: 'ArtifactRepoParamDefinition'
name : String
serverType : String
serverUrl : String
Define the URL of the repository instance.
Example URLshttp://localhost:8082/artifactory/
credentialsId : String
Select the credentials to use to connect to the artifact repository instance.
Please be aware that currently only username/password credentials are supported.
ignoreCertificate : boolean
When checked the HTTP connection will ignore invalid certificates while trying to connect to the repository instance. This is useful when using an internal service with self-signed certificates.
Use this feature with caution as it can introduce potential security risks.
When checked it allows to define an HTTP proxy to be used for the outgoing connections.
Please note that when this option is unchecked but a global proxy is defined the connection will make use of the global proxy settings. If both the local and global proxy settings are set the local proxy settings take precedence.proxyProtocol : String
proxyProtocol : String
proxyHost : String
proxyHost : String
proxyPort : String
proxyPort : String
proxyCredentialsId : String
proxyCredentialsId : String
paramType : String
Select the type of information to display as a build parameter.
Artifact Path displays the name of deployed artifacts and makes the full path available.artifactName : String
Unfortunately the REST APIs do not allow for more powerful filter possibilities in regards to the artifact name. If more advanced filter possibilities are required please refer to the Filter Regex
option within the Display Options
section below.
repoName : String
The REST API of Nexus only allows to define a single repository. To harmonize the UI it was decided to limit the possibility to define repositories for Artifactory to a single entry as well.
versionRegex : String
This field allows to define a Java capturing groups to extract version information from the full artifact path. In a nutshell define a regex and define a part of a string as a group by surrounding it with ( ) brackets to define a group. The first outer group found is used to extract the version information. Following is an example for a Maven artifact with the regex .+/(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+((-CANDIDATE)?-SNAPSHOT)?)?)/.+
Path | Version |
http://localhost:8081/maven-releases/org/example/test/1.0/test-1.0.jar | 1.0 |
http://localhost:8081/maven-releases/org/example/test/1.0.5/test-1.0.5.jar | 1.0.5 |
http://localhost:8081/maven-releases/org/example/test/1.0.5-CANDIDATE-SNAPSHOT/test-1.0.5-CANDIDATE-SNAPSHOT.jar | 1.0.5-CANDIDATE-SNAPSHOT |
repoType : Array / List of String
formatType : Array / List of String
multiSelection : boolean
resultsCount : String
filterRegex : String
This allows to filter the results returned from the repository before displaying it to the user for selection. Any entry matching the regular expression will be displayed.
To display all entries either leave the field empty or use the regular expression .+
A typical regex for Maven-based artifacts would for example look like .+/(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+(-SNAPSHOT)?)?)/.+
sortOrder : String
selectEntry : String
selectRegex : String
Please note that when a regex matches multiple entries but the display style is set to either radio button or dropdown then only the first match wins as those types do not allow for multiple entries to be selected. Furthermore, the regex is always checked against the full path and not just the displayed value.
Displayed Value: artifact-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Full Path: http://localhost:8081/foo/bar/
submitValue : String
By default the plugin will not only submit the label but also some hidden value containing the path of the item represented by the label. Sometimes however one only wants to get the value visible in the label. This option will allow you to choose what information will get passed along to the build script.
Label + Path = commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar;http://localhost:8082/repository/.../commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar Label Only = commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar Path Only = http://localhost:8082/repository/.../commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar
description : String
Simple file parameter compatible with Pipeline. Transmits file contents as an environment variable in Base64 encoding, so it is best used with fairly small files. Example usage from Declarative Pipeline:
pipeline { agent any parameters { base64File 'FILE' } stages { stage('Example') { steps { sh 'echo $FILE | base64 -d > config.yaml' } } } }
name : String
The name of the parameter. Depending on the type of parameter, this may or may not be bound as an environment variable during the build.
If a local filename was given, an environment variable paramname_FILENAME
will also be set. If the build is triggered via the CLI, the variable will not be set.
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : boolean
description : String
Defines a parameter where users can pick an active release from a BuildMaster application. The following environment variables will be injected into the build job:
When used within pipeline script the applicationId parameter can contain either the id or name of a BuildMaster application.
parameters { buildMasterRelease applicationId: 'TestApplication', description: '', name: 'BuildMaster Release' }
name : String
The name of the parameter.
This value is used for display purposes only - it is not exposed as an environment variable.
applicationId : String
showApplicationId : boolean
Triggering a build from an external source
As the two fields are still presented to Jenkins as a single parameter, a slightly different approach is required to to pass in both the application id and release number from other jobs or via a build api request. This is supported by separating the two values using the pipe character '|'. The applicationId is optional, can contain either an Id or applicaton name, and is only supported if this field is checked.
description : String
Defines a parameter that specifies how a Copy Artifact build step should select which build to copy from. Note that this parameter type is easier to use when starting the build from a browser; to specify a value via direct HTTP POST or the CLI, valid XML must be given.
Be aware that this string value is encoded selector configuration, and not compatible with different plugin versions.
name : String
upstreamProjectName : String
Copy artifacts from a build that is a downstream of a build of the specified project. You can use variable expressions.
Downstream builds are found using fingerprints of files. That is, a build that is triggered from a build isn't always considered downstream, but you need to fingerprint files used in builds to let Jenkins track them.
Note: "Downstream build of" is applicable only to AbstractProject based projects (both upstream and downstream projects).
upstreamBuildNumber : String
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
$class: 'MultiJobBuildSelector'
parameterName : String
You can pass not only the parameter name, but also the parameter value itself. This is useful especially used with workflow-plugin.
id : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
$class: 'PromotedBuildSelector'
level : int
buildNumber : String
stable : boolean
allowUpstreamDependencies : boolean
fallbackToLastSuccessful : boolean
, UseOldest
, UseNewest
description : String
$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter'
$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter'
name : String
randomName : String
$class: 'GroovyScript'
$class: 'GroovyScript'
Use a Groovy script to define the parameter.
The Script will be evaluated first, and if it fails (e.g. throws an exception), the Fallback Script will be used as a fallback.
This script integrates with Script Security plugin to allow regular Jenkins users to configure this parameter, while limiting what they can do for security.
If this script is used for any of the HTML choice types of an Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter, the resulting HTML output will be sanitized to remove everything but basic formatting, like script
tags, unless the script runs outside the sandbox. This mode requires approval from a Jenkins administrator to prevent cross-site scripting (HTML) and arbitrary code execution (Groovy).
script : String
script : String
sandbox : boolean
sandbox : boolean
path : String
path : String
oldPath : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
oldScript : String
script : String
script : String
sandbox : boolean
sandbox : boolean
path : String
path : String
oldPath : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
oldScript : String
$class: 'ScriptlerScript'
$class: 'ScriptlerScript'
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptler.builder.ScriptlerBuilder
isSandboxed : boolean
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
scriptlerScriptId : String
choiceType : String
referencedParameters : String
filterable : boolean
filterLength : int
description : String
name : String
pipelineSubmitContent : String
description : String
, Empty
uri : String
displayNodePath : String
valueNodePath : String
useInput : boolean
submitContent : String
$class: 'ChoiceParameter'
$class: 'ChoiceParameter'
name : String
randomName : String
$class: 'GroovyScript'
$class: 'GroovyScript'
Use a Groovy script to define the parameter.
The Script will be evaluated first, and if it fails (e.g. throws an exception), the Fallback Script will be used as a fallback.
This script integrates with Script Security plugin to allow regular Jenkins users to configure this parameter, while limiting what they can do for security.
If this script is used for any of the HTML choice types of an Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter, the resulting HTML output will be sanitized to remove everything but basic formatting, like script
tags, unless the script runs outside the sandbox. This mode requires approval from a Jenkins administrator to prevent cross-site scripting (HTML) and arbitrary code execution (Groovy).
script : String
script : String
sandbox : boolean
sandbox : boolean
path : String
path : String
oldPath : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
oldScript : String
script : String
script : String
sandbox : boolean
sandbox : boolean
path : String
path : String
oldPath : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
oldScript : String
$class: 'ScriptlerScript'
$class: 'ScriptlerScript'
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptler.builder.ScriptlerBuilder
isSandboxed : boolean
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
scriptlerScriptId : String
choiceType : String
filterable : boolean
filterLength : int
description : String
name : String
description : String
choices : Object
$class: 'ClearCaseUcmBaselineParameterDefinition'
$class: 'ClearCaseUcmBaselineParameterDefinition'
environment variable.
pvob : String
component : String
promotionLevel : String
stream : String
restrictions : String
which is in the fa4_web
component of the fa4
VOB, set the value to /fa/fa4_web/05_impl/0_src
viewName : String
, which is replaced with the name of the ClearCase UCM baseline which is selected at build-time;JOB_NAME
, which is replaced with the name of the job;USER_NAME
, which is replaced with the name of the user running Hudson.CLEARCASE_VIEWNAME
.mkviewOptionalParam : String
arguments when creating a view using mkview
, specify them here.
—if applicable— and -tag ${CLEARCASE_VIEWNAME}
will be appended before these additional arguments.
command, take a look at the ClearCase 7.0 Information Center.
snapshotView : boolean
useUpdate : boolean
forceRmview : boolean
excludeElementCheckedout : boolean
element * CHECKEDOUT
rule from the config spec.
element * CHECKEDOUT
rule is mandatory when using snapshot views.
moreRecentThan : String
1 year
, 6 months
, 1 week
, 10 days
uuid : String
description : String
$class: 'CloudSelectorParameter'
$class: 'CloudSelectorParameter'
description : String
For security reasons, the credential is NOT directly exposed, the ID of the credential is exposed.
However, the selected credential is available through variable substitution in some other parts of the configuration. The string value will be the ID of the credential. A supporting plugin can thus use the ID to retrieve the selected credential and expose it to the build in an appropriate : String
defaultValue : String
credentialType : String
required : boolean
description : String
$class: 'CvsTagsParamDefinition'
$class: 'CvsTagsParamDefinition'
name : String
cvsRoot : String
passwordRequired : boolean
password : String
moduleName : String
description : String
$class: 'DateParameterDefinition'
$class: 'DateParameterDefinition'
name : String
dateFormat : String
defaultValue : String
1. Java LocalDate or LocalDateTime code style
2. LocalDate String (This case should match the format of 'dateFormat')
description : String
$class: 'DeployMetaDataParameterDefinition'
$class: 'DeployMetaDataParameterDefinition'
name : String
environmentKey : String
buildVersion : String
applicationName : String
description : String
$class: 'DynamicReferenceParameter'
$class: 'DynamicReferenceParameter'
name : String
randomName : String
$class: 'GroovyScript'
$class: 'GroovyScript'
Use a Groovy script to define the parameter.
The Script will be evaluated first, and if it fails (e.g. throws an exception), the Fallback Script will be used as a fallback.
This script integrates with Script Security plugin to allow regular Jenkins users to configure this parameter, while limiting what they can do for security.
If this script is used for any of the HTML choice types of an Active Choices Reactive Reference Parameter, the resulting HTML output will be sanitized to remove everything but basic formatting, like script
tags, unless the script runs outside the sandbox. This mode requires approval from a Jenkins administrator to prevent cross-site scripting (HTML) and arbitrary code execution (Groovy).
script : String
script : String
sandbox : boolean
sandbox : boolean
path : String
path : String
oldPath : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
oldScript : String
script : String
script : String
sandbox : boolean
sandbox : boolean
path : String
path : String
oldPath : String
oldPath : String
shouldBeApproved : boolean
shouldBeApproved : boolean
oldScript : String
oldScript : String
$class: 'ScriptlerScript'
$class: 'ScriptlerScript'
class org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptler.builder.ScriptlerBuilder
isSandboxed : boolean
java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>
scriptlerScriptId : String
choiceType : String
referencedParameters : String
omitValueField : boolean
description : String
Display choices but allows inputting any values even not in choices. Works just like suggestion.
To use in pipeline:
name: 'PARAM1',
choices: ['Apple', 'Grape', 'Orange'],
// belows are optional paramters
defaultValue: 'Grape',
restrict: true,
filterConfig: filterConfig(
prefix: true,
caseInsensitive: true,
name : String
choices : Array / List of String
choicesWithText : String
choice1 choice2 choice3
defaultValue : String
description : String
caseInsensitive : boolean
caseInsensitive : boolean
prefix : boolean
prefix : boolean
Display values when their prefix matches the input. Otherwise, display values when they contains the input.
restrict : boolean
defaultValue : String
defaultValue : String
$class: 'ExtensibleChoiceParameterDefinition'
$class: 'ExtensibleChoiceParameterDefinition'
name : String
description : String
$class: 'FileSystemListParameterDefinition'
$class: 'FileSystemListParameterDefinition'
. The order of the list can be reversed.
name : String
nodeName : String
path : String
selectedType : String
formSelectType : String
regexIncludePattern : String
regexExcludePattern : String
sortByLastModified : boolean
sortReverseOrder : boolean
description : String
$class: 'GeneratorChoiceParameterDefinition'
$class: 'GeneratorChoiceParameterDefinition'
name : String
choices : String
description : String
$class: 'GeneratorKeyValueParameterDefinition'
$class: 'GeneratorKeyValueParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
When used, this parameter will present at build-time a choice to select a Git tag (or revision number) which set a parameter for parametrized build.
Be aware that git does not allow us get additional information (like author/commmit date) from a remote URL this plugin will silently clone the project when your workspace is empty. This may take a long time when we have a slow connection and/or the checkout is big.
Often the parameter defined in the "Name" field is used to specify the branch of the git checkout.
name : String
type : String
defaultValue : String
branch : String
branchFilter : String
tagFilter : String
useRepository : String
quickFilterEnabled : boolean
description : String
listSize : String
requiredParameter : boolean
$class: 'GlobalVariableStringParameterDefinition'
$class: 'GlobalVariableStringParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
name : String
image : String
filter : String
registry : String
credentialId : String
description : String
defaultTag : String
verifySsl : boolean
$class: 'InheritableStringParameterDefinition'
$class: 'InheritableStringParameterDefinition'
name : String
inheritanceMode : String
The mode that you select here will influence the final value of the parameter, when you build the child:
mustHaveDefaultValue : boolean
mustBeAssigned : boolean
whitespaceMode : String
Do note that, if trimming is selected, this has an effect on both the default value used for automatically started builds, as well as user-initiated builds where the user had a chance to alter the parameter value.
isHidden : boolean
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
$class: 'InheritableStringParameterReferenceDefinition'
$class: 'InheritableStringParameterReferenceDefinition'
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
$class: 'JFrogPipelinesParameter'
$class: 'JFrogPipelinesParameter'
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
$class: 'JavaParameterDefinition'
$class: 'JavaParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultJDK : String
allowedJDKs : Array / List of String
description : String
$class: 'JiraIssueParameterDefinition'
$class: 'JiraIssueParameterDefinition'
name : String
jiraIssueFilter : String
description : String
altSummaryFields : String
Optionally, specify a comma-delimited list of fields to use instead of the issue summary as the title in the dropdown. Fields will be concatenated with spaces.
Field1,Field2$class: 'JiraVersionParameterDefinition'
$class: 'JiraVersionParameterDefinition'
name : String
jiraProjectKey : String
Specify the project key. A project key is the all capitals part before the issue number in Jira.
jiraReleasePattern : String
Specify a regular expression which release names have to match to be listed. Leave this blank to match all issues.
v[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)+ will match v1.0.1, v123, v12.0.1jiraShowReleased : String
jiraShowArchived : String
description : String
$class: 'LabelParameterDefinition'
$class: 'LabelParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultValue : String
allNodesMatchingLabel : boolean
$class: 'AllNodeEligibility'
$class: 'AllNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreOfflineNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreOfflineNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreTempOfflineNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreTempOfflineNodeEligibility'
triggerIfResult : String
description : String
When used, this parameter will display a field at build-time so that user is able to select a git branch or tag as a parameter for parametrized build..
Note that this plugin is specifically designed for pipeline jobs that do not configure SCM but still want to see remote repository branches or tags before build begins.
The plugin is highly motivated by Git Parameter Plugin.
But unlike Git Parameter Plugin, this plugin will not change working space at all at build-time
name : String
remoteURL : String
credentialsId : String
defaultValue : String
quickFilterEnabled : boolean
type : String
tagFilter : String
branchFilter : String
listSize : String
description : String
$class: 'ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition'
$class: 'ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition'
Once the two fields Name and Repository URL are set, you must
and Repository URL is set to
, then Subversion's Repository URL must be set to$SVN_TAG
Notice that you can set the Repository URL field to a Subversion repository root rather than just pointing to a tags
dir (ie, you can set it to
rather than
). In that case, if this repository root contains the trunk
, branches
and tags
folders, then the dropdown will allow the user to pick the trunk, or a branch, or a tag.
name : String
tagsDir : String
You can also specify the root of a Subversion repository: If this root contains the trunk
, branches
and tags
folders, then the dropdown will display trunk
, all the branches and all the tags. If the root does not contain these three folders, then all its subfolders are listed in the dropdown.
When you enter the URL, Jenkins automatically checks if it can connect to it. If access requires authentication, you'll be prompted for the necessary credential. If you already have a working credential but would like to change it for some other reasons, you can manage credentials and specify a different credential.
credentialsId : String
tagsFilter : String
defaultValue : String
maxTags : String
reverseByDate : boolean
If this option is checked, the Sort Z to A one won't be taken into account.
reverseByName : boolean
Notice that if Sort newest first is checked, this option won't be taken into account.
description : String
$class: 'MatrixCombinationsParameterDefinition'
$class: 'MatrixCombinationsParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultCombinationFilter : String
A Groovy expression to specify which combinations are checked by default. They are also combinations which is built in a scheduled build. If not specified, the combination filter of this multi-configuration project is used. Also see help of the combination filter.
Note that you cannot enable combinations which disabled by the combination filter of the project.
$class: 'All'
$class: 'All'
$class: 'CombinationFilterShortcut'
$class: 'CombinationFilterShortcut'
name : String
combinationFilter : String
$class: 'None'
$class: 'None'
$class: 'PreviousShortcut'
$class: 'PreviousShortcut'
$class: 'ResultShortcut'
$class: 'ResultShortcut'
name : String
exact : boolean
resultsToCheck : Array / List of String
description : String
name : String
repoBaseUrl : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
packaging : String
classifier : String
versionFilter : String
sortOrder : String
defaultValue : String
maxVersions : String
currentArtifactInfoUrl : String
currentArtifactInfoLabel : String
currentArtifactInfoPattern : String
credentialsId : String
description : String
name : String
description : String
label : String
label : String
value : String
value : String
label : String
label : String
variableName : String
variableName : String
$class: 'NetstormTestParameterDefinition'
$class: 'NetstormTestParameterDefinition'
name : String
keyword : String
description : String
$class: 'NodeParameterDefinition'
$class: 'NodeParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultSlaves : Array / List of String
allowedSlaves : Array / List of String
triggerIfResult : String
$class: 'AllNodeEligibility'
$class: 'AllNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreOfflineNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreOfflineNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreTempOfflineNodeEligibility'
$class: 'IgnoreTempOfflineNodeEligibility'
description : String
Gets a list of parameter value to choose from, using the execution of a Ontrack DSL script.
The script is expected to return a list of objects (a single object will be converted into a singleton list) and the parameter value of each item will be extracted from this object using the property defined in the Value property field.
name : String
dsl : String
sandbox : boolean
valueProperty : String
injectProperties : String
description : String
Gets a list of parameter value to choose from, using the execution of a Ontrack DSL script.
The script is expected to return a list of objects (a single object will be converted into a singleton list) and the parameter value of each item will be extracted from this object using the property defined in the Value property field.
name : String
dsl : String
sandbox : boolean
valueProperty : String
injectProperties : String
description : String
Gets a parameter value from the execution of a Ontrack DSL script.
The script is expected to return a single object and the value of the parameter will be extracted from this object using the property defined in the Value property field.
name : String
dsl : String
sandbox : boolean
valueProperty : String
injectProperties : String
description : String
$class: 'PackageChoiceParameterDefinition'
$class: 'PackageChoiceParameterDefinition'
name : String
baseUrl : String
between the scheme and the hostname.
credentialsId : String
requestTimeout : long
serviceTimeout : long
multiselect : boolean
excludeNotInstalled : boolean
excludeModified : boolean
visibleItemCount : long
query : String
packageIdFilter : String
value : String
description : String
$class: 'PackageParameterDefinition'
$class: 'PackageParameterDefinition'
name : String
rep : String
pkg : String
description : String
name : String
separatorStyle : String
sectionHeader : String
sectionHeaderStyle : String
description : String
$class: 'PatchParameterDefinition'
$class: 'PatchParameterDefinition'
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : boolean
successfulOnly : boolean
description : String
name : String
description : String
choices : Object
successfulOnly : boolean
$class: 'PersistentPackageParameterDefinition'
$class: 'PersistentPackageParameterDefinition'
name : String
useAwsKeys : boolean
If you need to access the repository outside of the repository, you will need grant access to the S3 bucket.
When accessing it from within AWS, it's probable that the server itself provides the necessary access rights.
When accessing it from outside, you need to provide a key pair. These are set up in the AWS admin console. If you don't have access, please ask operations to create a new key pair with access to the specified bucket.
awsAccessKeyId : String
This is the AWS secret key setup in the AWS console. It will resemble the form: ‘AAAAAAAAAA2AAA2AAAAA’
If you don't have access to the AWS console, and you need an access key pair, please contact someone in operations.
awsSecretAccessKey : String
This is the AWS secret key setup in the AWS console. It will resemble the form: ‘XxXXXxx/1ZZz1zZZZ11zzZ1zz/YyYyYyyYyyyyYY’
If you don't have access to the AWS console, and you need an access key pair, please contact someone in operations.
bucketName : String
This should be set to a valid bucket name that you can access using the key value pair, or if within AWS, that the server has access to.
Ensure that the bucket specified contains the repo. It might sound obvious, but I just wanted to point that out.
repoPath : String
This is the path to the actual repo containing the artifacts, relative to the AWS S3 bucket.
For example, given the S3 bucket ‘vhols-common-test-yumrepo’, the path to the locations-public-api repo is repos/locations-public-api
repositoryType : String
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : String
successfulOnly : boolean
trim : boolean
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : String
successfulOnly : boolean
description : String
$class: 'PersistentYumParameterDefinition'
$class: 'PersistentYumParameterDefinition'
name : String
useAwsKeys : boolean
If you need to access the repository outside of the repository, you will need grant access to the S3 bucket.
When accessing it from within AWS, it's probable that the server itself provides the necessary access rights.
When accessing it from outside, you need to provide a key pair. These are set up in the AWS admin console. If you don't have access, please ask operations to create a new key pair with access to the specified bucket.
awsAccessKeyId : String
This is the AWS secret key setup in the AWS console. It will resemble the form: ‘AAAAAAAAAA2AAA2AAAAA’
If you don't have access to the AWS console, and you need an access key pair, please contact someone in operations.
awsSecretAccessKey : String
This is the AWS secret key setup in the AWS console. It will resemble the form: ‘XxXXXxx/1ZZz1zZZZ11zzZ1zz/YyYyYyyYyyyyYY’
If you don't have access to the AWS console, and you need an access key pair, please contact someone in operations.
bucketName : String
This should be set to a valid bucket name that you can access using the key value pair, or if within AWS, that the server has access to.
Ensure that the bucket specified contains the repo. It might sound obvious, but I just wanted to point that out.
repoPath : String
This is the path to the actual repo containing the artifacts, relative to the AWS S3 bucket.
For example, given the S3 bucket ‘vhols-common-test-yumrepo’, the path to the locations-public-api repo is repos/locations-public-api
description : String
$class: 'PromotedBuildParameterDefinition'
$class: 'PromotedBuildParameterDefinition'
name : String
jobName : String
process : String
description : String
$class: 'PromotionLevelParameter'
$class: 'PromotionLevelParameter'
name : String
defaultLevel : int
description : String
$class: 'RandomStringParameterDefinition'
$class: 'RandomStringParameterDefinition'
name : String
failedValidationMessage : String
description : String
name : String
restEndpoint : String
credentialId : String
valueExpression : String
description : String
displayExpression : String
cacheTime : int
defaultValue : String
filter : String
$class: 'ReviewboardParameterDefinition'
$class: 'ReviewboardParameterDefinition'
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
$class: 'RunFilterParameter'
$class: 'RunFilterParameter'
name : String
projectName : String
description : String
$class: 'RunSelectorParameter'
$class: 'RunSelectorParameter'
$class: 'SauceParameterDefinition'
$class: 'SauceParameterDefinition'
description : String
$class: 'ScriptSelectionTaskDefinition'
$class: 'ScriptSelectionTaskDefinition'
name : String
path : String
name : String
name : String
variableName : String
variableName : String
check : boolean
check : boolean
type : String
type : String
parent : String
parent : String
testDelimSymbol : String
nodeDelimSymbol : String
countDelimiterSymbol : int
delimiter : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
credentialsForPublishedApp : String
instanceForPublishedAppUrl : String
credentialsForInstalledApp : String
instanceForInstalledAppUrl : String
sysId : String
application scope
is not specified. The system id of the application for which to apply the changes. You can locate this value in the Sys ID field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
appScope : String
application system ID
is not specified. The scope name of the application for which to apply the changes, such as x_aah_custom_app. You can locate this value in the scope field in the Custom Application [sys_app] table.
publishedAppVersion : String
rollbackAppVersion : String
batchRollbackId : String
progressCheckInterval : int
description : String
$class: 'SpringBootLibrariesListParameterDefinition'
$class: 'SpringBootLibrariesListParameterDefinition'
springBootVersion : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
$class: 'StashBranchParameterDefinition'
$class: 'StashBranchParameterDefinition'
name : String
repository : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
branchNameRegex : String
tagNameRegex : String
File parameter compatible with Pipeline but using the stash system, better suited to large files. The file will be saved to a stash named like the parameter containing one entry, also named like the parameter. Example usage from Declarative Pipeline:
pipeline { agent any parameters { stashedFile '' } stages { stage('Example') { steps { unstash '' sh 'unzip' } } } }
name : String
The name of the parameter. Depending on the type of parameter, this may or may not be bound as an environment variable during the build.
If a local filename was given, an environment variable paramname_FILENAME
will also be set. If the build is triggered via the CLI, the variable will not be set.
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
$class: 'TestExecuter'
$class: 'TestExecuter'
name : String
propertiesFilePath : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
text : String
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
trim : boolean
$class: 'ToolVersionParameterDefinition'
$class: 'ToolVersionParameterDefinition'
toolName : String
description : String
$class: 'VBoxParameterDefinition'
$class: 'VBoxParameterDefinition'
name : String
nodeDelimiter : String
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : String
domain : String
externalEmail : boolean
description : String
name : String
These parameters are exposed to build as environment variables.
defaultValue : String
regex : String
Standard Java regular expression that will be used to validate the entered string parameter value.
failedValidationMessage : String
This message is displayed to the user if they enter a value that does not match the configured regular expression.
description : String
name : String
defaultValue : String
failedValidationMessage : String
This message is displayed to the user if they enter a value that is not a syntactical correct YAML
description : String
$class: 'VersionParameterDefinition'
$class: 'VersionParameterDefinition'
name : String
groupId : String
artifactId : String
description : String
includeReleases : boolean
includeSnapshots : boolean
limit : String
oldestFirst : boolean
repositoryId : String
useLatest : boolean
useRelease : boolean
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
$class: 'WReadonlyStringParameterDefinition'
$class: 'WReadonlyStringParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
$class: 'WReadonlyTextParameterDefinition'
$class: 'WReadonlyTextParameterDefinition'
name : String
defaultValue : String
description : String
This parameter adds various types of choice fields to the Pipeline Input Step.
name : String
type : String
Country City United States San Francisco United States Chicago Mexico Mexico City Mexico CancunThis would result in a first drop down with the options "Select a country...", "United States", and "Mexico" (the initial selection is "Select a country...", which serves as a label for the drop down). After the user selects a country, a "City" drop down would appear. If United States was chosen first, then San Francisco and Chicago would be options, but if Mexico was selected then instead Mexico City and Cancun would be options.
value : String
projectName : String
propertyFile : String
prop1=a,b,c,d,eThe properties file can be placed anywhere on the file-system that Jenkins can access.
groovyScript : String
groovyScriptFile : String
bindings : String
groovyClasspath : String
propertyKey : String
prop1=a,b,c,d,eThen you could specify the property as either prop1 or prop2.
defaultValue : String
defaultPropertyFile : String
defaultGroovyScript : String
defaultGroovyScriptFile : String
defaultBindings : String
defaultGroovyClasspath : String
defaultPropertyKey : String
descriptionPropertyValue : String
descriptionPropertyFile : String
descriptionGroovyScript : String
descriptionGroovyScriptFile : String
descriptionBindings : String
descriptionGroovyClasspath : String
descriptionPropertyKey : String
javascriptFile : String
javascript : String
saveJSONParameterToFile : boolean
quoteValue : boolean
visibleItemCount : int
multiSelectDelimiter : String
Inserts this value between selections when the parameter is a multi-select.
The default when empty is ','
description : String
$class: 'com.michelin.cio.hudson.plugins.passwordparam.PasswordParameterDefinition'
$class: 'com.michelin.cio.hudson.plugins.passwordparam.PasswordParameterDefinition'
name : String
description : String
$class: 'com.moded.extendedchoiceparameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition'
$class: 'com.moded.extendedchoiceparameter.ExtendedChoiceParameterDefinition'
name : String
type : String
Country City United States San Francisco United States Chicago Mexico Mexico City Mexico CancunThis would result in a first drop down with the options "Select a country...", "United States", and "Mexico" (the initial selection is "Select a country...", which serves as a label for the drop down). After the user selects a country, a "City" drop down would appear. If United States was chosen first, then San Francisco and Chicago would be options, but if Mexico was selected then instead Mexico City and Cancun would be options.
value : String
propertyFile : String
prop1=a,b,c,d,eThe properties file can be placed anywhere on the file-system that Jenkins can access.
propertyKey : String
prop1=a,b,c,d,eThen you could specify the property as either prop1 or prop2.
defaultValue : String
defaultPropertyFile : String
defaultPropertyKey : String
quoteValue : boolean
visibleItemCount : int
multiSelectDelimiter : String
Inserts this value between selections when the parameter is a multi-select.
The default when empty is ','
bindFieldName : String
svnPath : boolean
svnUrl : String
svnUserName : String
svnPassword : String
projectName : String
roleBasedFilter : boolean
description : String
name : String
class hudson.util.Secret
description : String
submitter : String
submitterParameter : String
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