The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.
For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.
step([$class: 'CxScanBuilder'])
: Execute Checkmarx ScancredentialsId : String
sastCredentialsId : String
buildStep : String
teamPath : String
sastEnabled : boolean
exclusionsSetting : String
failBuildOnNewResults : boolean
failBuildOnNewSeverity : String
useOwnServerCredentials : boolean
serverUrl : String
username : String
password : String
isProxy : boolean
configAsCode : boolean
projectName : String
projectId : long
projectRetentionRate : int
groupId : String
preset : String
, cyclonedxjson
, cyclonedxxml
presetSpecified : boolean
excludeFolders : String
Conversion is done as follows: fold1, fold2 fold3
is converted to: !**/fold1/**/*, !**/fold2/**/*, !**/fold3/**/*,
filterPattern : String
Example: **/*.java,
**/*.html, !**\test\**\XYZ*
Pattern Syntax
A given directory is recursively scanned for all files and directories. Each file/directory is matched against a set of selectors, including special support for matching against filenames with include and exclude patterns. Only files/directories which match at least one pattern of the include pattern list, and don't match any pattern of the exclude pattern list will be placed in the list of files/directories found.
When no list of include patterns is supplied, "**" will be used, which means that everything will be matched. When no list of exclude patterns is supplied, an empty list is used, such that nothing will be excluded. When no selectors are supplied, none are applied.
The filename pattern matching is done as follows: The name to be matched is split up in path segments. A path segment is the name of a directory or file, which is bounded by File.separator
('/' under UNIX, '\' under Windows). For example, "abc/def/ghi/" is split up in the segments "abc", "def","ghi" and "". The same is done for the pattern against which should be matched.
The segments of the name and the pattern are then matched against each other. When '**' is used for a path segment in the pattern, it matches zero or more path segments of the name.
There is a special case regarding the use of File.separator
s at the beginning of the pattern and the string to match:
When a pattern starts with a File.separator
, the string to match must also start with a File.separator
. When a pattern does not start with a File.separator
, the string to match may not start with a File.separator
. When one of these rules is not obeyed, the string will not match.
When a name path segment is matched against a pattern path segment, the following special characters can be used:
'*' matches zero or more characters
'?' matches one character.
May reference build parameters like ${PARAM}.
"**\*.class" matches all .class files/dirs in a directory tree.
"test\a??.java" matches all files/dirs which start with an 'a', then two more characters and then ".java", in a directory called test.
"**" matches everything in a directory tree.
"**\test\**\XYZ*" matches all files/dirs which start with "XYZ" and where there is a parent directory called test (e.g. "abc\test\def\ghi\XYZ123").
incremental : boolean
fullScansScheduled : boolean
fullScanCycle : int
postScanActionId : int
sourceEncoding : String
comment : String
skipSCMTriggers : boolean
waitForResultsEnabled : boolean
vulnerabilityThresholdEnabled : boolean
highThreshold : int
mediumThreshold : int
lowThreshold : int
osaHighThreshold : int
osaMediumThreshold : int
osaLowThreshold : int
generatePdfReport : boolean
generateScaReport : boolean
enableProjectPolicyEnforcement : boolean
thresholdSettings : String
vulnerabilityThresholdResult : String
avoidDuplicateProjectScans : boolean
addGlobalCommenToBuildCommet : boolean
generateXmlReport : boolean
hideDebugLogs : boolean
forceScan : boolean
customFields : String
SASTUserName : String
SASTUserName : String
dependencyScanExcludeFolders : String
dependencyScanExcludeFolders : String
dependencyScanPatterns : String
dependencyScanPatterns : String
fsaVariables : String
fsaVariables : String
generateScaReport : boolean
generateScaReport : boolean
globalScaResolverAddParameters : String
globalScaResolverAddParameters : String
isExploitablePath : boolean
isExploitablePath : boolean
isExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isGlobalExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isGlobalExploitablePathByScaResolver : boolean
isIncludeSources : boolean
isIncludeSources : boolean
osaArchiveIncludePatterns : String
osaArchiveIncludePatterns : String
osaInstallBeforeScan : boolean
osaInstallBeforeScan : boolean
overrideGlobalConfig : boolean
overrideGlobalConfig : boolean
pathToScaResolver : String
pathToScaResolver : String
sastCredentialsId : String
sastCredentialsId : String
scaAccessControlUrl : String
scaAccessControlUrl : String
scaConfigFile : String
scaConfigFile : String
scaCredentialsId : String
scaCredentialsId : String
scaEnvVariables : String
scaEnvVariables : String
scaResolverAddParameters : String
scaResolverAddParameters : String
scaSASTProjectFullPath : String
scaSASTProjectFullPath : String
scaSASTProjectID : String
scaSASTProjectID : String
scaSastServerUrl : String
scaSastServerUrl : String
scaServerUrl : String
scaServerUrl : String
scaTeamId : String
scaTeamId : String
scaTeamPath : String
scaTeamPath : String
scaTenant : String
scaTenant : String
scaTimeout : int
scaTimeout : int
scaWebAppUrl : String
scaWebAppUrl : String
useJobLevelSastDetails : boolean
useJobLevelSastDetails : boolean
excludeOpenSourceFolders : String
includeOpenSourceFolders : String
osaArchiveIncludePatterns : String
osaEnabled : boolean
osaInstallBeforeScan : boolean
overrideGlobalRetentionRate : boolean
overrideProjectSetting : boolean
thisBuildIncremental : boolean
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